Hildegard of Bingen

Bingen on the Rhine is the most important place of activity of Saint Hildegard of Bingen, who was elevated to the status of a church teacher by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012.

The historical museum on the river dedicates an informative and multimedia exhibition to Hildegard. A variety of events also refer to this extraordinary woman of the Middle Ages.

Who was Hildegard of Bingen

She was a universal genius and one of the most significant female figures of the Middle Ages. In 2012, she was canonised by Pope Benedict XVI and elevated to the status of a Doctor of the Church.

Hildegard's view of creation

Orientation in times of climate change

Hildegard for Kids

On the road in the Middle Ages with Conrad

Places & institutions around Hildegard

Explanations of facilities and institutions with a Hildegard connection


Museum am Strom
Museumstraße 3
ZIP/ Location
55411 Bingen am Rhein
06721 184-353
06721 184-359
E-Mail schreiben

Opening hours

Liebe Besucher*innen,

das Museum am Strom ist regulär Di-So von 10-17 Uhr geöffnet. Führungen können aber jederzeit angeboten werden und können nach Anmeldung telefonisch unter: 06721-184-360/361 oder museum-am-strom@bingen.de gebucht werden.